Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The gun has been jumped...

Approximately an hour after I accepted placement with Coco I received an interview request from another company, this time a private conversation school.  This place is located in Yokohama (score!!), pays more, has higher standards, and no sketchy reputation!

I interviewed with the owner at 1am (yawn) and it went really well.  They prefer to hire teachers with teaching degrees or at least 2 yrs experience, however they thought I had potential and seemed well spoken so I'm going to continue with the interview process with them.

Haven't sent anything in to Coco as of yet until I figure out what is happening with the other position.  They have 3-4 positions they are hiring for out of their top 10 I should hear soon!  If they go with someone else then I am still able to go with Coco's.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Big news!!

It's official...I've accepted an offer and am moving as soon as the visa is processed!!!!

After much deliberation I decided to accept Coco Juku's offer and go with them.  The reviews I've been reading online are a bit scary, but after having a chance to talk to someone who is actually working there right now, I think I can manage.  And if things get ugly, I can always's not like I'm marrying a company!!

So yes.  Certificate of Eligibility is filled out, getting visa pictures tomorrow to be express shipped, then wait for them to send the official paperwork.  The one bummer is that I have to go to Detroit to apply for my visa..and I really don't like that place.  HOWEVER it's absolutely worth what I'll be gaining from it :)

I'm so excited :) Time to go pin lesson plans on pinterest in anticipation!!


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Teachng Update...Again

Well it's been a very busy week for this job hunt, lots to report!

I am officially not going to begin work for Interac until March '14 if I continue with them.  I was really disappointed to not be chosen as an alternate, as I was fully prepared to leave in August.  They are my top pick to work for, however I am not sure if I am willing to wait so long.  I could always reapply with them again later though, so we'll see.

Also, MIL has chosen another candidate for their September position.  My current choice was to go with COCO Juku and stick it out for a year/leave early and then join Interac in March...or apply elsewhere.

With that in mind, I have applied to around 10 other positions in the past day! Have yet to hear back of course, but if I do then I could have plenty more interviews to discuss and hopefully leave for Japan soon!  Will keep updating as things change.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Teaching in Japan Update

Time to share some news!!

I have been offered employment by 3 companies!

Backing up to share how this all happened, I have started applying to eikaiwa's in hopes of getting a start date sooner than the March '14 date that Interac has set for me.  There haven't been any alternate start dates available from them, and waiting 8+ months is going to test my patience a bit too much.  They are still my 1st pick and back up, however if I can get a position that starts sooner and possibly only be 6 months then that would be perfect to hope me over until Interac.

About 2 weeks ago I applied to COCO Juku, Jibun Mirai, and MIL Language School.  They all accepted my application and I had a Skype interview with them.  And thanks to me forgetting the time zone issue (DUH!) I scheduled them all back to back in one night.  However, they all went well and I have so far been offered employment by Jibun and COCO's.

I turned down Jibun simply because they didn't have a location for me before signing and would not offer a 6 month contract.  Their interview was very simple, mostly a lot of talk about past experience, and did not include a sample lesson.  The company seems to have an okay reputation in the online communities, but didn't pay as much as some others.  I let them know that I appreciated the offer but was going with something else and would keep them in mind for the future.

COCO's just offered me a position last night and I have 5 days to consider.  They are owned by the GABA corporation and do not have the most favorable reputation, however I think I could make it work as a learning experience and filler before Interac in March.  They tend to focus on medical terminology for doctors and nurses, so would certainly be fun making lesson plans to demo and learn. I'm thinking playing a game of 'Operation' would be an interesting way to learn:)

Lastly, I haven't heard back from MIL yet.  They are my top pick for an eikaiwa for many reasons.  The salary is pretty decent compared to others.  The 9 locations are all within the same area of Chiba, right on the Keisei line into Tokyo from Narita.  That location would be perfect!  Also, the apartments that they set their teachers up in are huge for Japanese standards.  Their motto is that 'a happy teacher is an effective teacher', and the man I interviewed with said much of the same.  They also have a decent online reputation.

I'm hopeful that I'll be shipping out much earlier than March, so fingers crossed!  I should hear back from Interac about the November alternate positions sometime this week, and will most likely send them an email practically begging for a position..can't hurt since they've already offered me employment, worst they can say is 'no'.  And I'll keep applying as jobs pop up!

So for now、じゃね!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

When a window closes...


Ok, I just needed to really get that out there before continuing.  I've been uncontainable since I found out this morning that I passed the interviews and will be going to teach!

It took just over a week since my documents were sent to the Tokyo office for them to get back to me.  I received the offer of employment this morning by email.  So far everyone I stayed in contact with from the interview has also been accepted, and having seen everyones demo lessons I'm confident that the rest will hear back once their packets reach the main office.

Currently my start date is in mid March of 2014, however I am also on the alternate list.  If someone were to drop out, another station come up, etc, during the second semester from Oct-Feb then I will possibly be leaving then instead of March.  Regardless of when I leave, I am thrilled to have been accepted and am incredibly anxious to get started :)

It's funny how life works sometimes.  A year ago this was something I had never even considered, or really even known about.  I've spent all 21 years of my life planning that my life would be just like my parents, I would get married right out of college and start working toward my future family.  God closed that window for me.  But he opened the door to an entire country and new way of life!

As my mom said, if he didn't want me to be in Japan then he would set up road-blocks to let me know.  Yet everything has progressed smoothly.  I fell in love with the country during my visit, am having a remarkably easy time learning the language, and this job process has been very simple with no problems.  And to make it even better, the people that I know there and the ones I will be doing my training in Tokyo with are incredibly nice and wonderful!  Cannot wait for this group of midwestern gaijin to take on Tokyo together before we head to our assignments!!

However, now I have about 9 months to hopefully I'll be doing some more travelling and taking a real Japanese course to supplement my self-teaching! 

Still full of energy and excitement :) it's a day for celebration!!!