Sunday, August 11, 2013

Moving Day

In 3 hours I'll be on the plane heading for Japan.  I've said all but my final goodbyes, packed everything I need, and run myself ragged.  I'm scared out of my mind and incredibly excited all at once.

I've had months to consider this move, and not once have I felt that it was the wrong decision.  Everything has gone smoothly from start to finish, and I've had nothing but support from everyone around me.  I know it's going to be amazing, but getting there is tough.

When I went to college I was only 20 minutes away from home.  I've never really said goodbye to anyone like this.  I've never left home this permanently.  This next chapter in my life could take me anywhere, I'm not planning it, and I'm so excited to see what life has in store for me.  There is so much heartache and pain here in this town, this state, this country.  Having time to relearn how to live, love, and thrive will be just what I need.

I guess it's just the realization of how final this will be, at least for a time, it's got me anxious and worried.  But everything is planned out to start out from, I even know where the rental counter for my cell phone is in the Narita terminal I land in.  Things will be great, and I know once I'm there my perspective will change.  It's just saying goodbye that's hard.

I guess it's about time to start getting ready..for the last time at home.  I'm going to go cry some more now...

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